Timothy Smith UK English 2005 Short, Drama 7min Robert Clarke, Michael Ellis, Tyronne Lewis, Maria Mathurin, Marcel McCalla, Callum Walker, Eugene Washington Um neo-nazi skinhead é detido por ter agredido dois adolescentes negros. Mas as coisas nem sempre são o que parecem. Steve, the leader of a local gang apprehends a neo-Nazi skinhead because he has attacked two of his black teenage friends in a nearby alley. The police arrive and take statements from Steve and the two teenage boys. Malcolm, the skinhead, lies unconscious. As we are taken backwards through the story we realise that perhaps the boys aren't telling the whole truth and things may not be as 'Black & White' as they appear. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799929/ |
720x320 90MB 7min

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