Roland Tec USA English 1997 Comedy 95min John-Michael Lander, David Vincent, Jay Corcoran, Paul Outlaw, Merle Perkins, Peter Bubriski, Alan Natale, Jim Beller, Doug Brandt, Keith Brava, Christopher Cause, Joe Ceriello Jr., Ellen Colton, Will Cook, Adam Dyer, Willis Emmons, Josh Hutnak, Jerry Kaplan, Kate Kelly, John Kuntz, Ken Mason, Christian Matyi, Ed Meradith, Jeff Miller, Mitchell Mullen, Daniel Olsen, Rick Park, Michael Pollock, Molly Purves, Rhys, Ben Robbins, Ricardo Rodriguez, John P. Russo, Diane W. Saunders, Guy Silvestro, Timothy Steiner, Thatcher Stevens, Sylvie Stewart, Jake Sullivan, Adam Sutton, Monica Tosches, Bruce Ward Estória de um solteirão homossexual convicto e bem sucedido que se depara com a vontade de ter um relacionamento mais estável. Takes a satirical and poignant look at one gay man's obsessive pursuit of physical, sexual, and romantic perfection. Christopher Bedford is everyone's fantasy. He's gorgeous, young, clever, rich, and above all, totally buffed and every boy in Boston seems to want him. At thirty-one, he's gliding through life, celebrating himself as the 90's gay playboy ideal, without ever realizing what a mess he's become. |
512x320 7x99999KB=667MB 95min

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