Paul Etheredge USA English 2004 Horror | Thriller 83min Dylan Fergus, Bryan Kirkwood, Hank Harris, Andrew Levitas, Matt Phillips, Samuel Phillips, Kris Andersson, Shaunt Benjamin, Wren T. Brown, Miguel Angel Caballero, Nick Collins, Blake Davis, Jerry Farmer, Rafael Feldman, Yan Feldman Quatro amigos gays saem para uma festa de Halloween em Los Angeles. Eddie ouviu falar de um crime, possivelmente homofóbico, que ocorreu na noite anterior. No caminho, os quatro encontram uma figura demoníaca no parque - um homem enorme com uma máscara de diabo - e soltam alguns insultos contra o mesmo antes continuarem. A noite só estava começando. Four gay men are out for a night of fun at the infamous West Hollywood Halloween Carnival but make the big mistake to moon at a muscular fella wearing a horny mask. Little do they know they just provoked a serial killer who can truly hold a grudge... Make no mistake, this is classic slasher territory. The film opens with the murder of a couple making out in a car parked in the woods and from there, well I'm sure you can fill the gap. The originality here of course is the characters and for once, thank God, they are not the cliché one could have expected and feared. They are fun loving young men celebrating who they are (as opposed to so many miserable gay characters of the past struggling with their sexuality) and witty as hell, which makes for some funny lines here and there. Don't get me wrong though. "Hellbent" doesn't play the self referential game that most modern slashers do. At times, the movie is tense and, I must admit, the last part got me on the edge of my seat. The characters are sympathetic and humane, albeit not quite fleshed out. The movie is well shot, the acting is convincing and some death scenes are quite impressive. Sure, the plot is a bit thin but then again: it's only a slasher (hardly rocket science). Far from redefining the genre or breaking new grounds, the movie is at least honest. "Hellbent" is actually less of a gay movie for a strictly gay audience than it is a pure pop-corn movie for any open-minded movie goer looking for a genuine good time. |
352x264 6x102795KB = 588MB 83min
352x264 6x102795KB = 588MB 83min

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