Casper Andreas USA English 2007 Comedy | Romance 83min Jesse Archer, Charlie David, Jeremy Gender, Cory W. Grant, Virginia Bryan, Steven M. Goldsmith, J.R. Rolley, Aaron Star, Jonathan Baird, Max Rhyser, John Kaisner, William Hernandez, Margret R.R. Echeverria, Paul Jessiman, Michael Ferreira Seis pessoas em Nova York estão à deriva. Zeke e Luke trabalham num sex shop: Zeke leva a libertação gay a sério, Luke gosta de viver a vida e não quer nada sério. Ele é ofendido quando Stephen pede um garoto de programa... Stephen, tem um grande apartamento e faz trabalhos artísticos em paredes pintadas. Marilyn, um alcoólatra em recuperação... Six people in New York are adrift. Zeke and Luke work in a sex shop: Zeke takes gay liberation seriously, Luke likes to sparkle and takes nothing seriously. He's offended when Stephen calls him a gay cliché, then, surprisingly, they find each other attractive and interesting. Stephen, it turns out, has a great apartment, trust fund, and artwork he's painted on his walls. Meanwhile, Peter, a neat-freak, and Derek, nice to everyone, move in together. Peter's compulsiveness threatens the relationship. Last, newly-engaged Marilyn, a recovering alcoholic stuck at step 2, can't stop obsessing about wedding details. Can these folks sort out civilization and its discontents? |
640x368 7x103791KB=692MB 83min

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