Rob Williams USA English 2008 Drama 83min Chris Carlisle, Joel Harrison, Gaetano Jones, Derek Long, Derek Meeker, Douglas Myers, Daniel Rhyder, Stephen Twardokus Simon e Jason, vivem juntos a muito tempo, juntamente com Cooper "papai-ish" e seu menino du jour, se reunem anualmente para um fim-de-semana de três dias, longe de sua vida agitada na cidade. Cada um deles deve convidar um amigo para os 3 dias. Mas essa combinação de novos e velhos amigos cria mais tensão do que alguma vez alguém esperava. Após 72h e engates sexuais múltiplos, novos relacionamentos se iniciam, enquanto outros são abalados. Long-term couple Simon and Jason, along with “daddy-ish” Cooper and his boy du jour, meet annually for a three-day weekend away from their hectic city lives. Looking to spice up this long-standing tradition, they add a special twist to this year’s retreat -- each of them must invite one attractive single friend to their mountain getaway. Arriving are a frisky former college roommate, a constantly naked yoga instructor, Simon’s uptight co-worker and a high-priced rent boy who do indeed stir up the weekend. But this combination of new and old friends creates more tension than anyone ever anticipated. After 72 hours and multiple sexual couplings, new relationships form while others are cast onto shaky ground. |
576x320 8x91637KB=699MB 83min

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