Arnaud Simon France French 2004 Drama, Short 41min Pierre Moure, Antoine Régent, Edith Scob, Aline Le Berre, Nicole Colchat, Evelyne Didi, Vincent Dissez, Mademoiselle Jeanine, Julius Zagon Eugène tem 20 anos de idade; sente-se mal apesar de ser verão. Enquanto passava algum tempo no campo, encontra Pierre, um tipo de 30 anos. Decide fazer com que Pierre o ame. Eugène, a 20 years old student vacationing in the countryside, is not enjoying a carefree summer. His eyes fall on 30 year old Pierre. He decides to make love to him. A Truck Repair takes its time to tell a love story. The film touches upon the desire to feel loved, the passions, and the pain that follows. It is a tender and disturbing look at the emotions of adolescence. |
720x400 3x100793KB = 288MB 41min

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