Cam Archer USA 2006 English Drama 81min Malcolm Stumpf, Patrick White, Max Paradise, Fairuza Balk, Kim Dickens, Tom Gilroy, Ruth Elliott, Joey Coffman, Tim Greer, Dash Mann, Derek Mitchler, Kylee Lehe, Teresa Morales, James Porter, Bernadette Wilson Logan (Malcolm Stumpf), solitário protagonista, miúdo de um só amigo, não sabe como lidar com sua sexualidade e refugia-se nos sonhos e desejos que lhe assaltam a cabeça (e o coração). Sonhos com tigres, leões e aranhas. Um rapaz mais velho Rodeo (Patrick White), também ele um solitário que vagueia pela escola, provoca em Logan uma certa identificação e atracção. Junior high in a time of rotary phones. Cougars have been spotted in the area. Logan is 13, the odd kid, with an active imagination and few friends. His young, single mother seems stressed. Latency is giving way to puberty, and Logan, who keeps a tube of lipstick in his dresser, may be gay or, more mysterious, transgender. He stares at himself in the mirror. He becomes friends with Rodeo, older and more mature, good-looking, with girlfriends. They take walks. Logan calls Rodeo and pretends to be a girl. Will he disclose himself to Rodeo? The kids at school talk. The school wants to promote kindness and tolerance. There are stories of child suicide. How do we find our way? |
672x368 696MB 81min

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