Tony Piccirillo USA 2004 English Thriller 92min James Marsden, Scott Speedman, Sofía Vergara, Barry Papick, Charlie Corrado, Jarvis W. George, Scott Roman, Jeffrey Frost, Jona Harvey, Thea Chaloner, Brian Campbell, Nadia Axakowsky, Charles J. Corrado Jr., Brian T. Delaney Dan está num bar com uma amiga quando encontra Tom, fica bêbado e acaba indo para o apartamento dele. As coisas ficam tensas quando Dan percebe que já esteve ali antes. Tom reconta, furioso, uma noite de cinco anos atrás. Dan quer ir embora, mas Tom não deixa. Ele planeja esse momento a três semanas, desde que sua esposa morreu num acidente de carro, logo após descobrir que estava com uma doença fatal. E foi Tom quem, sem saber que estava doente, contaminou sua mulher. E para descobrir se Dam é o culpado, ele o faz prisioneiro, tira seu sangue e envia para exame. Faz 24 dias desde que Tom soube de tudo e decidiu que Dan vai pagar com sua vida. O tempo começa a se esgotar. Mas, talvez nenhum dos dois consiga sobreviver ao 24° Dia!! Tom (Scott Speedman of TV's Felicity) approaches Dan (James Marsden of X-Men) in a bar, and the two hit it off. Tom brings Dan home to his apartment, where, after some idle chatter, Dan tries to kiss Tom. Tom shies away, and begins asking Dan about his sexual history. Dan eventually realizes that he's been in Tom's apartment before. They had an encounter several years ago, and Tom has a much clearer memory of that night than Dan does. Eventually, things turn ugly, and Dan finds himself tied to a chair. Tom extracts a blood sample, explaining to Dan that he just recently learned that he's HIV-positive. Tom insists that he's not gay, and believes that the only way he could have gotten the virus is from Dan. Tom goes out to have the blood sample tested, and when he gets back, he tells Dan that when he gets the results back, if Dan is HIV-positive, Tom is going to kill him. As they wait for the results, the hours go by, and Dan tries to engage Tom in conversation, to engage his sympathy, and to find a way to escape. As the two men talk and battle for control, Piccirillo flashes back to the recent past, and Tom's motives become more clear. |
672x384 798MB 92min

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