Gilles Bindi France 2004 French Short 12min Julien Baumgartner, Clément Allanic, Colette Kraffe, Malvina Héraud, Marie-Laure Beneston, Camille Grosjean, Ulysse Grosjean, Laurent Boubeker, Catherine Lachens, Gaëlle Vincent, Guirlain Géran Jérôme tem 24 anos e um dia sua mãe o manda cortar o cabelo e ele acaba por conhecer sexy Brice (cabeleleiro) e sua vida nunca mais será a mesma. Jérôme is 24 and one day his mother sends him for a haircut but he gets more than that as he falls for Brice who is both a hairdresser and sexy. Since Jérôme is shy he has to find a way to get this hot guy into his life see the film to find out if it works out. |
720x400 125MB 12min

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