Laurie Lynd Canada English 2007 Drama, Music, Romance, Sport 95min Cameron Ansell, Benz Antoine, Noah Bernett, Robin Brûlé, Tom Cavanagh, William Cuddy, Colin Cunningham, Dylan Everett, Travis Ferris, Megan Follows, Mark Forward, Alexander Franks, Jeananne Goossen, Graham Greene, Kathryn Haggis, Adam Korson, Shauna MacDonald, Sheila McCarthy, Benjamin Morehead, Billy Parrott, Alex Popovic, Fiona Reid, Edwina Renout, Ben Shenkman, Anna Silk, Vanessa Thompson Eric vive para o hóquei. Agora, na faixa dos trinta, ele deixou sua carreira de jogador profissional para se tornar comentarista de esportes na TV. É uma vida de sonho! Mas quando o namorado de Eric, Sam, avisa que eles terão que cuidar temporariamente de um menino, o confortável mundo de Eric desmonta. Chega Scot, recém-órfão, um menino afeminado de 11 anos e o oposto exato de Eric. Assustados com a alegria de viver de Scot, Eric e Sam gentilmente afastam Scot dos perfumados cremes das mãos e de tudo o que for cor-de-rosa, buscando um passatempo mais "aceitável": o hóquei. Eric and Sam have been in a committed relationship for four years. Eric's a former hockey player turned sportscaster and Sam's a sport's lawyer. But when Sam's adventure seeking brother Billy, takes a job in South America, his ex-girlfriend, Julie, is discovered dead from a drug overdose leaving her son Scot (not Billy's son) to Billy. But Billy is missing in action so Sam is left to pick up the pieces. But the problem is Eric never wanted kids. When 11-year-old Scot arrives and they open his duffel bag, inside they find... one pink musical hairbrush, two plastic containers of beads and faux-gold chains, a pink poodle belt, and four pairs of white sock-ettes with lacy fringe at the top... they realize Scot is more out of the closet then they are even though he does not know it yet. A unique boy in an even more unusual situation, Scot throws Eric and Sam's life into complete disarray. When Billy finally show's up to take Scot back to South America - Eric and Sam can't bear the thought of losing Scot. 6.5/10 625 votes |
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