David Gerrold USA English 2008 Sci-Fi 43min James Cawley, Ben Tolpin, John M. Kelley, Bobby Rice, Evan Fowler, Charles Root, Jay Storey, Kim Stinger, Ron Boyd, Andy Bray, Meghan King Johnson, Nick Cook, Patrick Bell, Debby Huth, Jeff Mailhotte Roddenberry, recuperou um guião escrito em 1988 pelos produtores originais, com o objectivo de abordarem o tema da AIDS (SIDA). Apesar da cumplicidade do autor, estes temeram a reacção do público e o manuscrito acabou por ficar na gaveta. Neste episódio intitulado ‘Blood and Fire’, l da série ‘Star Trek: Phase II’, o sobrinho do ‘capitão James T. Kirk’ (James Cawley) chega à nave ‘Enterprise’ acompanhado do namorado. Quando ‘Enterprise’, a quinta e última versão televisiva do clássico da ficção científica, chegou ao fim, em 2005, os fãs – mais conhecidos por Trekkies – decidiram prosseguir com a saga através de uma produção independente. Interpretada por amadores, esta versão já contou com a participação de vários atores da série original, entre eles George Takei, o intérprete de ‘Sulu’. Homossexual assumido, o actor, de descendência japonesa, casou a 14 de Setembro, na Califórnia, com o seu companheiro de longa data, Brad Altman. The horrific story finds a battle damaged Enterprise caught between an incurable contagion that threatens to overrun the galaxy, the pull of a dying star, and Klingons poised to attack. Like all of the best Star Trek episodes, “Blood and Fire” finds the Enterprise crew facing their own human fears and failings as they have to weigh the costs and decide how much personal risk to take in order to save the people around them. Gerrold wrote the story of contagion as a metaphor for the AIDS pandemic and the episode is dedicated to the gifted Star Trek alumni the world has lost to the disease: William Ware Thesis, Mike Minor and Merritt Butrick. It was also Gerrold’s intention to challenge the apathy of the public regarding the small sacrifice, yet far reaching power, of blood donations. Based on an original TNG script that was shelved because of the mention of a gay crewman aboard the Enterprise, “Blood and Fire” for Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II honors Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a non-judgmental future with the inclusion of a gay couple as part of the principle action of the story. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0925657/ 6.5/10 30 votes |
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Star Trek New Voyages: Blood and Fire 2009 4x04 parte2
David Gerrold USA English 2009 Sci-Fi 43min James Cawley, Ben Tolpin, John M. Kelley, Bobby Rice, Charles Root, Jay Storey, Kim Stinger, Ron Boyd, Andy Bray, Meghan King Johnson, J.T. Tepnapa, Denise Crosby Perseguidos e com a nave danificada por repetidos ataques Klingon, a tripulação da Enterprise deve responder à chamada de socorro de uma nave de pesquisa da Federação. Em questão de horas, a nave e a tripulação será consumida por uma estrela próxima. A tripulação da Enterprise será consumido por um misterioso terror enquanto os Klingons observam e esperam. Pursued and damaged by repeated Klingon attacks, the crew of the Enterprise must respond to the distress call from a Federation research ship. In a matter of hours the ship and crew will be consumed by a nearby star and the crew of the Enterprise will be consumed by an mysterious horror that threatens both ships as the Klingons watch and wait. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1350561/ |
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Teaser: http://rapidshare.com/files/311237143/STP2_BaF_405_00_Teaser.mp4
Act 1: http://rapidshare.com/files/311239528/STP2_BaF_405_01_Act_One.mp4
Act 2: http://rapidshare.com/files/311245049/STP2_BaF_405_02_Act_Two.mp4
Act 3:http://rapidshare.com/files/311254136/STP2_BaF_405_03_Act_Three.mp4
Act 4:http://rapidshare.com/files/311254244/STP2_BaF_405_04_Act_Four.mp4
Epilogue: http://rapidshare.com/files/311254346/STP2_BaF_405_05_Epilogue.mp4
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