Achim von Borries Germany 2004 German Drama, Romance 87min Daniel Brühl, August Diehl, Anna Maria Mühe, Thure Lindhardt, Jana Pallaske, Christoph Luser, Marius Frey, Fabian Oscar Wien, Tino Mewes, Verena Bukal, Julia Dietze, Jonas Jägermeyr, Luc Feit, Holger Handtke, Jürgen Wink. (baseado em fatos reais) Paul e Günther são estudantes que querem viver com intensidade, sem admitir limites ou compromissos. Num fim de semana eles viajam para a casa de veraneio da família de Günther, onde Paul se interessa por Hilde, a irmã de seu amigo. Ela retribui o interesse, mas na verdade está tendo um caso com Hans, ex-amante de Günther. É quando Paul e Günther convidam vários conhecidos para uma festa, que termina de forma trágica. Günther and Paul are convinced of it: They want to live, in full courses and without compromises - and they require same of the love. They are both a kind of school boys and best friends in 1927 Weimar Germany. Together with Günther's sister Hilde they spend the weekend in a summer house on the country, outside Berlin. Paul is fascinated by the girl and falls in love with her. And first it looks in such a way, that Pauls feelings are finally answered. But Hilde loves another one. Secretly she meets with a young good-looking boy named Hans - Günther's former lover. Hans is a boy from a much lower class who works in the kitchen of a restaurant/dance club. In the garden of the house they celebrate a rushing celebration. When Hans pushes surprisingly to them, it sets a roller coaster travel of the feelings into course, which gets very soon out of control. | .002 .003 .004
640x352 699MB 87min

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