Paul Oremland UK 1998 English Drama 89min Steve Bell, Ian Rose, Roger Daltrey, Dani Behr, Jude Alderson, Emile Charles, Chris Hargreaves, Paul Broughton, P.J. Nicholas, Sean Simpson, Charlie Caine, Stephen Burke, Dickon Tolson, Chris Ross, Tony Van Silva Um retrato sincero do amor homossexual na Inglaterra, através da estória de um lutador e de um produtor musical que se apaixonam, apesar de suas grandes diferenças. Craig is a rough kid in Blackpool, picking up cash as a bare-knuckle club fighter; he's also having a hard time accepting that he's gay. Outside a dance club, he meets Matt, a Londoner working for Kelvin, a shady but enterprising music producer. Matt's flatmate is a client, singer Paula Poptart, who's Matt's good friend but also insecure and needy as a performer. Craig comes down to London to join Matt, but this presents problems for Matt, who's had lots of blokes but never fallen in love. Matt's feelings, Kelvin's demands, Matt's dream to run a rock club, Paula's snits and jealousy, and Craig's lack of job skills combine to put Craig and Matt's relationship in jeopardy. |
528x328 699MB 89min

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