Bavo Defurne Belgium 2000 Dutch whit english sub Short 55min Joram Schurmans, Koen Van Heule, Circé Lethem, Maarten Verbeuren, Olaf Nollen, Bart, Ignace, Sven, Tom, Adriaan, Johan, Werner De Smedt, Alexander, Mark, Stefaan, Alain Van Goethem, Oswin, Geert, Joram Schurmans, Tom de With, Tim Peters, Hilde Wils, Jason Nardone, Olaf Nollen, Alexis Van Stratum, Moenen Erbuer, Emile Ringoot These rich and textured homoerotic short films by Belgian filmmaker Bavo Defurne tell stories of young men on the verge of expressing their homosexuality. They are experimental, but narrative films that star spectacular teens, one of whom, Joram Schurmans from Campfire looks strikingly like Bobby Kendall from the gay erotic classic Pink Narcissus whose influence is felt strongly in these films. Other influences detected are Eisenstein, Pierre et Gilles, Todd Haynes brilliant Poison and his source, Jean Genet. Bavo Defurne has produced a body of special short films, we are eager to see more. | |
Kampvuur/Campfire Bavo Defurne Belgium 1999 Dutch Short 21min Joram Schurmans, Koen Van Heule, Circé Lethem, Maarten Verbeuren Uma curta viagem de campismo de escoteiros onde um rapaz se apaixona por seu melhor amigo e provoca tensão perante o grupo. Campfire is shot using a color drenched palette that brings the extraordinary beauty of these teens to light. There is a coed group of teenagers on a trip in the woods. There is an obvious attraction between two of the boys, Tijl and Wout. But Wijl has a girlfriend, Ineke. Tijl's attraction becomes so overwhelming that he breaks it off with his girlfriend shortly before the two boys go off themselves on their own little journey. The filmmaker shows a little tenderness, kissing and then some morning after regrets. Wout not only avoids Tijl, but they later fight. Without many words, Defurne tells this story and more in a wholly original fashion. |
Particularly Now, In Spring
Bavo Defurne
Olaf Nollen, Bart, Ignace, Sven, Tom, Adriaan, Johan, Werner De Smedt, Alexander, Mark, Stefaan, Alain Van Goethem, Oswin, Geert
Estudantes passando por exercícios, natação, vestir, e undressing. A câmera acompanha Olaf Nollen enquanto que a voz do personagem narra o desejo de ser um ator, para manter a solidariedade com seus companheiros estudantes e de ter sonhos. A filmagem está em um estilo que lembra de Sergei Eisenstein.
This very homoerotic short film takes us into the boys swim team locker room. The boys take their clothes off (no full frontal nudity) and take a swim. There is English narration.
Bavo Defurne
Short | Fantasy
Joram Schurmans, Tom de With, Tim Peters, Hilde Wils, Jason Nardone
Um adolescente que adora seu amigo marinheiro. Ele tem sonhos em países exóticos, maravilhoso céu estrelado...
This color-drenched film is clearly influenced by the photographic work of Pierre et Gilles. A gorgeous young man takes a bath while fantasizing about his sailor boyfriend. Where fantasy ends and reality begins is unknown - it may all be fantasy. There are scenes of sailor seductions and motorcycle rides all shot in some of the brightest digital video we've seen.
Bavo Defurne
Olaf Nollen, Alexis Van Stratum, Moenen Erbuer, Emile Ringoot
Evocação da história de São Sebastião. Soldado romano que é executado por causa de suas crenças cristãs. A imagem tem sido muito usado por pintores e escultores...
Music and ambient sound surround the surreal death of St. Sebastian in this homoerotic telling of the 3rd century Roman martyr. The same sexy star, Olaf Van Stratum as in Particularly Now, In Spring. (Dutch with English subtitles)
704x528 563MB 55min

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