We all want to live happier, have more money, more freedom, more confidence, more than friends, etc ... The question was posed here is "How?". Do not worry, this book will answer this question for you. You will learn from the experience of outstanding individuals who have used the principles mentioned in this book.
Secret of success for young people is the lodestar for the teens, who are maturing and entering and even death itself, because we never too late when we get out their dreams and the success you want to reach.
Whether your goal is to become an excellent student or an outstanding athlete, start businesses, making millions of dollars or are simply seeking direction and guidance for successful living and happiness in the present and future this is the book for you.
This is not just a collection of "idea" that this book includes 20 principles the most important success has been millions of young people successfully applied. With exactly the tools that anyone can hit that target. This book will give you the courage and enthusiasm for moving forward!
And especially if you know the principles for success - especially when teenagers are in - and practice them every day, they will change your life, your dream come true.
The above story was told and how many stories will inspire and motivate you to live by these principles can help you:
- Change of any results of any work.
- Overcome fear and build confidence.
- Set requirements and achieve everything you want.
- Make your life is always full of energy.
- Attract more friends around you and the instructor to help you succeed more.
- Avoid being denied and the persistent efforts until successful.
- Use the feedback to rapid success and sustainability.
- Beyond expectations than others and achieve superior results.
You also do not hesitate, but not fast forward to the successful position today!
About the author
Who is Jack Canfield?
Jack's monologue ...
When my friend Mark Victor Hansen and my idea of creating a new book, people will claim that we were cuckoo. They told us things like: "Are you dreaming?", "It will never bring result for you", "Are You joking?".
Even all the negative signs, we persevered implement your ideas. When the first draft was completed, more than 140 publishers have declined to print it. And we thought, "Perhaps people are right." When it seems there is little hope left, we tried again. And was successful.
A publisher has decided to publish the book. This marks the beginning of the book Chicken Soup for the Soul. So far, we have sold over 110 million copies in 47 different languages worldwide, and we hold the Guinness world record because there was a book in seven best-selling list of the New York Times .
I had the opportunity to appear on all major chat programs in the U.S. - from The Oprah Winfrey Show to Good Morning America - and incomes of millions of dollars each year, made presentations all over the world, writing a section report several million readers each week, vacationing in places where great relationships have been extremely nice, and enjoy a happy personal life.
I say this not to brag, but from personal experience, I want you to know that anything can happen. By coming to this world, I myself did not have any special power.
It's a job to bring many surprises and interesting, but I still have a strong passion for helping teenagers can express their full capability. Everything you need is the support and information relevant to reaching dreams. And now, my efforts are doing it through this book.
To achieve the best performance for you, I need a speaker and language of teenagers can relate to you as a person peers. This is why I suggest Kent worked with me to write this book. He understood about your generation very well, and individuals Kent is also a fun experience inventory of what needs to be done to achieve success.
We hope you enjoy reading as an inspiration when we were writing this book.
Who is Kent Healy ?
Kent monologue ...
I have attended four schools, at home in December, and has lived in eight cities in two continents. (Yes, my family moved a lot!). When I was teens age, I encountered many difficulties when studying in school. I can say is one of the students was "to create conditions" for more than 50% students could top class. Because learning capability is below average, I think you'll just below the average level in all areas in which I participate. My acceptance of what many teachers told me: "Kent, I really was not pretty!".
However, a teacher has proven otherwise. "Kent, you're doing something wrong?" She told him. "You can do this a lot more!". I have the mouth to the jaw of my lower jaw as if to touch the floor. What? Who? It's me?
The first time I met a teacher who saw potential in me than what I can see her. Master has shared many of the technical strategy and different to me - but, more importantly, he maintains a place I realized that I must be a responsible life. If I do not do some homework, then the next day the teacher will be the person I handled. Of course then I started seeing the first point A in your contacts.
My confidence started to grow. At this time, my brother and I have started a business called Reactor. We make skis, skis, cap, t-shirts, etc. Doing the job goes smoothly for a time, until the company beyond our control. Do not have a happy ending ... and finally dissolved Reactor.
"How could this happen to you is that be?", I was wondering. "I have improved grades in school, then why do his job failed?".
It was then that, at age seventeen, I suddenly realized that some key elements of life have not taught in schools. But I can find this information where? I set out for themselves the sort of questions like: "What makes the difference between those who live an ordinary life for those living a good life?".
In the process of searching, I've read several books by Jack Canfield. And when I knew he was one of the co-created the Chicken Soup for the Soul books immensely successful, then further impressed me more. I have set myself a goal: "I will be meeting with Jack Canfield."
I keep searching for answers about how to live successfully in life and to practical application of everything I learned. Again, I can do better in all areas of your life. It was unbelievable! Actually, it was a turning point to change my level and my brother quickly noticed a new opportunity: We should write a book with the vision, experience and lessons of own life.
And now, at the age of twenty-three can be considered an adult, I can do things even before I ever dream: travel around the country to appear on radio show and television, talking to audiences of all ages and cultures, write category for newspapers and guide for teachers, and collaborate on par with some people who are religious most of the world.
But I was not a divine man. As I told you, I was not born with any special talent. I'm just a normal man. I like you only. Everything I want is to turn their dreams into reality and have fun living in the process of implementing the dream - and I am sure you also want to be.
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