The Conrad BoysOs Irmãos Conrad (Brazil)Justin Lo USA English 2006 Drama 93min Justin Lo, BooBoo Stewart, Nick Bartzen, Barry Shay, Nancy Hancock, Katelyn Ann Clark, Dorian Frankel, Lauren Xerxes, Bruce Blauer, Shane Arenal, Bart Shattuck, Connie Schiro, Kari McDermott, Keegan Bell, Wesley Stiller Em sua estréia na direção, Justin Lo interpreta Charlie Conrad, um jovem de 19 anos que sonha em fazer faculdade em Nova York. Até que sua mãe, solteira, morre repentinamente e Charlie se torna responsável por Ben, seu irmãozinho de 9 anos. Isso não é problema até que ele conhece o belo e misterioso Jordan, com que inicia um intenso caso de amor. Eis que seu pai ausente, Doug, reaparece e reivindica a guarda de Ben. Como um problema nunca vem sozinho, o passado de Jordan vem à tona, colocando a relação deles em xeque. O filme, com muita sensibilidade, fala de identidade, família, liberdade e das descobertas do primeiro amor através de um prisma jovem e inocente. Captivating newcomer Justin Lo stars as Charlie Conrad, a 19-year-old history buff with the world on his shoulders. Following the death of his mother, Charlie sets aside his college plans to raise... Captivating newcomer Justin Lo stars as Charlie Conrad, a 19-year-old history buff with the world on his shoulders. Following the death of his mother, Charlie sets aside his college plans to raise his highly imaginative 9-year-old brother Ben (Boo Boo Stewart). Isolated from his peers, Charlie accepts his responsibility yet secretly yearns for the freedom and romance associated with youth. Charlie suddenly gets his chance when he meets Jordan Rivers (Nick Bartzen), a charismatic drifter and fellow lost soul. The two of them hit it off immediately, and they soon embark on a tumultuous romance that gives Charlie a taste of the freedom he’s been craving. Just as their relationship intensifies, however, Charlie’s long-absent father, Doug (Barry Shay), returns to town with his own plans to take care of Ben. Caught in a struggle for Ben and eager to hold on to Jordan, Charlie must finally search his soul and make momentous decisions regarding the future of his family. Written and directed by first-time filmmaker Justin Lo, THE CONRAD BOYS is a deeply personal and heartfelt story that will stay with you for a long time to come. 5.9/10 416 votes |
640x368 899MB 93min

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