The Raspberry ReichO Exército dos Frutas (Brazil)Reich Framboesa (Brazil) Bruce La Bruce Germany, Canada English, German 2004 Comedy, Adult 90min Susanne Sachße, Daniel Bätscher, Andreas Rupprecht, Dean Monroe, Anton Z. Risan, Daniel Fettig, Gerrit, Joeffrey, Ulrike Schirm, Sherry Vine, Stephan Dilschneider, Pünktchen, Sven Reinhard, Genesis P-Orridge, Naushad (esta versão foi censurada, no final do post está a versão original hardcore) Em Berlim, um grupo de terroristas está trabalhando numa revolução gay inspirada no Exército Vermelho alemão. A batalha armada começa com o seqüestro de Patrick, filho de um dos banqueiros mais ricos da Alemanha. No entanto, nem tudo sai como planejado: o seqüestrador Clyde e o refém se tornam amantes e embarcam numa série de assaltos a bancos. (This version was censored at the end of the post is the original hardcore) The core plot begins with the kidnapping of Patrick, the son of a wealthy industrialist. Sexual and romantic engtanglements push the drama forward. At the film's climax, Gudrun delivers a soliloquy on the importance of personal life in revolution. She puts particular emphasis on the breaking of heterosexual and possessive sexual norms, urging her comrades to join "The Homosexual Intifada". The pressure of Gudrun's controlling personality causes the group to break up. Most of the urban guerrillas escape into the night. In the dénouement, the characters are visited some time later. Several have found happiness in the homosexual relationships established during their revolutionary activities. Che has become a terrorist trainer in the Middle East. Patrick escapes with Clyde, where they embark on a spree of bank robberies. This action is reminiscent of Patty Hearst's actions with the SLA. Gudrun and Andreas settle down and have a child named Ulrike (after Ulrike Meinhof), whom Gudrun believes could embody the next generation of the Red Army Faction. 5.9/10 570 votes |
640x352 700MB 90min new link
640x352 700MB 90min

The Revolution Is My Boyfriend
X-rated version - Original version - Extended hardcore version of "The Raspberry Reich":Bruce La Bruce Germany, Canada English, German 2006 Comedy, Adult 90min Susanne Sachße, Daniel Bätscher, Andreas Rupprecht, Dean Monroe, Anton Z. Risan, Daniel Fettig, Gerrit, Joeffrey, Ulrike Schirm, Sherry Vine, Stephan Dilschneider, Pünktchen, Sven Reinhard, Genesis P-Orridge, Naushad, Andreas Stich, Tim Vinzent, Damion (Versão sem censura) Em Berlim, um grupo de terroristas está trabalhando numa revolução gay inspirada no Exército Vermelho alemão. A batalha armada começa com o seqüestro espetacular de Patrick, filho de um dos banqueiros mais ricos da Alemanha. No entanto, nem tudo sai como planejado: o seqüestrador Clyde e o refém se tornam amantes e embarcam numa série de assaltos a bancos. The core plot begins with the kidnapping of Patrick, the son of a wealthy industrialist. Sexual and romantic engtanglements push the drama forward. At the film's climax, Gudrun delivers a soliloquy on the importance of personal life in revolution. She puts particular emphasis on the breaking of heterosexual and possessive sexual norms, urging her comrades to join "The Homosexual Intifada". The pressure of Gudrun's controlling personality causes the group to break up. Most of the urban guerrillas escape into the night. In the dénouement, the characters are visited some time later. Several have found happiness in the homosexual relationships established during their revolutionary activities. Che has become a terrorist trainer in the Middle East. Patrick escapes with Clyde, where they embark on a spree of bank robberies. This action is reminiscent of Patty Hearst's actions with the SLA. Gudrun and Andreas settle down and have a child named Ulrike (after Ulrike Meinhof), whom Gudrun believes could embody the next generation of the Red Army Faction. 5.9/10 570 votes |
X-rated version
640x368 801MB 90min

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