Eban and CharleyJames Bolton UK, USA English 2009 Drama, Romance 88min Brent Fellows, Gio Black Peter, Ellie Nicholson, Drew Zeller, Pam Munter, Ron Upton, Nolan Chard, Deanna Alexich, Greg McMickle, Jennifer Utley Eban de 29 anos regressa á sua terra natal para a casa dos pais. Charley de 15 anos que se aborrece na pequena cidade fica contente com a chegada de Eban e os dois iniciam uma relação que lhes vai trazer muitos problemas… Charley is turning 15. For the past year, since his mother's death, he has lived in Seaside, Oregon, with his stern and unloving father. It's Christmas week when Charley meets Eban, a young-looking 29-year-old teacher from Seattle, home for the holidays to see his parents. They have things in common: both sign (Charley's mother was deaf), both play the guitar, both are gay. As their relationship deepens during walks on the beach, singing, and talk of poetry, we see it from their point of view and also from the points of view of both of their fathers. Charley's loneliness gives way to happiness when he's with Eban. But what of this grown man? Written by {jhailey@hotmail.com} http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0253063/ 5.4/10 292 votes |
640x336 619MB 88min

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