עיניים פקוחותEinaym PkuhotEyes Wide Open (International English title) Eynaim Pekukhot (Israel) Matia orthanoihta (Greece) Pecado da Carne (Brazil) Tu n'aimeras point (France) Haim Tabakman Israel, Germany, France Hebrew, Yiddish 2009 Drama 92min Zohar Shtrauss, Ran Danker, Tinkerbell, Tzahi Grad, Isaac Sharry, Avi Grainik Em um bairro ultra-ortodoxo de Jerusalém, de nome Meah Shearim, vive Aaron Fleishman (Zohar Strauss), pai de quatro filhos e administrador do negócio da família, um açougue kosher, Herdado depois da morte de seu pai. O mundo observador das regras de Aaron se transforma completamente com a chegada do jovem estudante Ezri (o belo galã da TV Ran Danker). Ambos começam a passar tempo juntos, e por períodos cada vez maiores, levando Aaron a ser imediatamente discriminado em sua comunidade. Confrontado pelo rabi Vaisben (Tzahi Grad ), Aaron declara que se sentia morto antes de conhecer Ezri. Mas a reação forte e violenta de moradores locais força o jovem a tomar uma decisão. O roteiro de Merav Doster explora com sinceridade os impasses de comportamento dos personagens e trata com elegância e intensa sensualidade o momento em que a paixão entre os dois finalmente se consuma. Homosexuality in the Orthodox community is the subject of a very dark and disturbing Israeli film, Eyes Wide Open (Einaym Pkuhot) which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Aaron Fleishman (Zohar Shtrauss) is a father of 4 who takes over the family kosher butcher shop following the death of his father. Aarons observant world is turned upside down with the arrival of a young Yeshiva student Ezri (Ran Danker). When Aaron and Ezri begin spending time together, Aaron is quickly ostracized within the Orthodox community. Confronted by Rabbi Vaisben (Tzahi Grad), Aaron declares he was dead before meeting Ezri. We see how quickly social control turns violent and ugly in the Orthodox community when Ezri is forced to leave. Eyes Wide Open is set during a dark and wet winter in Jerusalem. Rain and the darkness of night are used as metaphors for the ritual of cleansing and the omnipresent pressure to conform in the Orthodox community. It has a strong cast and delivers a powerful message in a country divided by debates about the growing influence of the Orthodox Jewish community. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1424327/ 7.2/10 234 votes |
640x362 698MB 92min

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