Constantine Giannaris Κωνσταντίνος Γιάνναρης Greece Ελλάδα Greek, Russian Ελληνικά, Ρωσικά 1998 Drama Κοινωνική 89min λεπτά Stathis Papadopoulos, Costas Kotsianidis, Panayiotis Hartomatzidis, Dimitris Papoulidis, Theodora Tzimou, Anestis Polychronidis, Nikos Kamontos, Stelios Tsemboglidis, Giorgos Mavridis, Panagiota Vlachosotirou, Silvia Venizelea, Emilios Chilakis, Vasias Eleftheriadis, Evri Sophroniadou, Giannis Kontraphouris Θεοδώρα Τζήμου, Παναγιώτα Βλαχοσωτήρου, Σύλβια Βενιζελέα, Εύρη Σωφρονιάδου, Αιμίλιος Χειλάκης, Τάσος Νούσιας, Γιάννης Κοντραφούρης, Στάθης Παπαδόπουλος, Κώστας Κοτσιανίδης, Παναγιώτης Χαρτοματσίδης, Δημήτρης Παπουλίδης, Ανέστης Πολυχρονίδης, Νίκος Καμόντος Violento e enérgico, este filme nos conta a história de um bando de emigrantes de Pontian, que retornaram para a Grécia vindos da ex-União Soviética. Sasha, de 17 anos, é o líder ambicioso deste bando. Eles percorrem a noite de Atenas, fazendo dinheiro com a pequena criminalidade e vendendo os seus corpos. Adolescentes sedentos de aventura, nada os impede de atingir o que desejam. The "Edge of the City" means Menidi, a poor suburb on the edge of pulsating Athens (the city). Menidi harbours many Cosssack Greeks. They are also called "pontios", ethnic Greeks from the Black Sea dispersed through the ex-Southern Soviet Union in the Stalin era. The "pontios" have returned to Greece en masse after the demise of the USSR. The parents speak mostly Greek, but the teenage children speak a hybrid Russian-Greek language which reflects their lack of identity and marginalization in Greece's highly xenophobic society (the only EU country where no minorities exist!...officially). The teenagers' marginalization leads them to the core of the film's theme: the lives of petty crime and prostitution which these second or third class Greeks lead. Their camaraderie, the way they mock each others' dealing in homosexuality, their sexual and criminal exploitation by rich Greeks, their own exploitation of prostitutes, sexual and moral ambiguity all lead to the film's defining! Μια παρέα προσφύγων από το Καζακστάν ζουν στο περιθώριο και περνούν τον καιρό τους δουλεύοντας στην οικοδομή, ενώ παράλληλα διαπράττουν μικρές κλοπές και κάνουν πεζοδρόμιο. Οι σχέσεις τους με την οικογένειά τους δεν είναι και καλύτερες καθώς οι γονείς τους, τους προσγειώνουν στην σκληρή πραγματικότητα την οποία καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν. 6.7/10 460 votes |
624x336 678MB 89min

e Patrick Buzzacaro

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