Dirty LaundryMaurice Jamal USA English, French 2006 Comedy, Drama 107min Rockmond Dunbar, Loretta Devine, Jenifer Lewis, Terri J. Vaughn, Maurice Jamal, Sommore, Joey Costello, Aaron Grady Shaw, Rainey Matthews, Bobby Jones, Gregory Alan Williams, Alec Mapa, Veronica Webb, Erica Watson, Tony Vaughn Narra o choque entre Patrick (Rockmond Dunbar de Prison Break), um jornalista negro e gay, e sua família tradicional do sul dos EUA. Patrick volta para sua cidade natal, após um rapaz de 10 anos aparecer na sua casa, alegando ser seu filho. Patrick insiste que o garoto (interpretado pelo admirável Aaron Grady Shaw) não pode ser seu, mas sua mãe Evelyn (Loretta Devine) insiste no oposto. Nisso a família descobre que Patrick é gay... O irmão de Patrick Eugene é interpretado pelo diretor do filme. Dirty Laundry tells the story of Patrick (Rockmond Dunbar of Prison Break), a young city slicker who returns home to his traditional Southern Baptist hometown and family when a 10-year-old boy shows up on his Manhattan doorstep claiming to be his son. Patrick insists that the kid (played by the admirably understated Aaron Grady Shaw) can’t be his, but his mother Evelyn (Loretta Devine) insists she knows better. Patrick (whose real name we learn is Sheldon) eventually drops the news on his family that he is gay, which comes as a bit more of a shock to them than to the audience, as it’s pretty clear from the get-go that this is the case. It’s actually more of a shock that they are surprised by the news, especially since his brother Eugene (out writer/director Jamal, playing the gay-squeamish character completely straight-faced) has apparently been calling him a sissy for the past 20 years. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0795371/ 5.1/10 191 votes |
640x352 700MB 107min

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