Lucía Puenzo Argentina, France, Spain 2007 Spanish Drama 86min Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Germán Palacios, Carolina Pelleritti, Martín Piroyansky, Inés Efron, Guillermo Angelelli, César Troncoso, Jean Pierre Reguerraz, Ailín Salas, Luciano Nóbile, Lucas Escariz Alex, um adolescente de 15 anos, carrega um pesado segredo. Pouco antes de seu nascimento, seus pais decidem sair de Buenos Aires para a costa uruguaia, numa casa de madeira perdida entre as dunas. Ali, recebem a visita de um casal de amigos acompanhado de seu filho de 16 anos, Álvaro. O pai, especialista em cirurgia estética, aceitou o convite motivado pelo interesse clínico que tem em Alex. No entanto, nasce uma atração incontrolável entre os dois meninos, que os obrigará a enfrentar seus medos. Lucia Puenzo's drama XXY probes the psychological aftereffects that adolescent transsexuality can yield. Tagged with a cognomen easily applicable to either gender, young teenager Alex's hermaphroditic physiology causes a massive identity crisis and severe emotional withdrawal. The problems create social problems in the family's home of Argentina and virtually force Alex and his/her sympathetic parents, Kraken and Suli to move to nearby Uruguay, at a point when Alex wrestles with the throes of puberty. The situation grows increasingly complex when several friends of the family arrive: marrieds Erika and Ramiro, a plastic surgeon, and their adolescent son, Alvaro, whom Alex instantly propositions for sex. As Alex battles some local punks who try unsuccessfully to rape him/her (saved at the last minute by Kraken), Alvaro finally accepts Alex's promptings for intercourse and comes to a gradual realization of his own gayness. Meanwhile, the rift between the adults and the youth widens with increasing rapidity |
720x480 320MB+317MB+163MB 86min

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