Jan Krüger, Oliver Schwabe Germany German 2001 Short, Drama 21min Martin Kiefer, Marlon Kittel, Rose Bender, Iris Minich, Britta Jatzwauk, Benno Günther, Phillip Nilgen, Lukas Nilgen, Ulrike Will Marcos e Johannes de dezesseis anos de idade, passam os dias correndo, lutando, vendo vídeos e a brincar a noite. A proximidade logo começa a se tornar um problema para a sua amizade. Two sixteen year old boys, Marcos and Johannes, spend their days racing, wrestling, hanging out, watching videos and playing hide-and-seek at nights. A closeness develops between the two of them, which soon starts to become a calamity to their friendship. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0297125/ |
http://www.mediafire.com/file/nfuuldzwjzn/The Whiz Kids.avi.001
http://www.mediafire.com/file/w4djvzw5i4h/The Whiz Kids.avi.002
608x368 2x89127KB=169MB 21min

608x368 2x89127KB=169MB 21min

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