Zak Tucker USA 2004 English Drama 97min Jack Noseworthy, Valerie Geffner, Matt Newton, Austin Lysy, Tighe Swanson, Lorri Bagley, Neal Huff, Ian Reed Kesler, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Karen Allen, Michael Lerner, Anna Thomson, Spiro Malas, Kristen Schaal, Tibor Feldman Jack Kray é candidato à reeleição. Conservador e radical, conta com seu filho Henry para angariar votos entre os eleitores mais jovens, apesar da oposição de sua mulher, Eunice. O rapaz, porém, apaixona-se pelo ativista político Anthony e, durante um comício, declara-se homossexual. Nada mais catastrófico para seu pai, um político que calca sua campanha nos valores familiares. Jack is running for reelection and is looking for support wherever he can get it; told he needs to increase his appeal with younger voters, Jack tries to persuade his son Henry (Matt Newton), a college student, to make a few campaign stops with him. While Jack's wife (and Henry's mom), Eunice (Karen Allen), tries to convince her husband this isn't a good idea, Jack refuses to take no for an answer from Henry. But there's something Jack doesn't know about his son -- Henry is gay, and while he only shares this secret with a small handful of trusted friends and lovers, he can't bring himself to support his father's anti-gay "family values" platform. |
656x368 699MB 97min

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