Gus Van Sant USA 2003 English, German Crime, Drama 79min Alex Frost, Eric Deulen, John Robinson, Elias McConnell, Jordan Taylor, Carrie Finklea, Nicole George, Brittany Mountain, Alicia Miles, Kristen Hicks, Bennie Dixon, Nathan Tyson, Timothy Bottoms, Matt Malloy, Ellis Williams Baseado em fatos reais. Retrata o massacre ocorrido na escola secundária americana, Colombine (que no filme chama-se Watt). O cineasta defende a teoria que a dupla de assassinos dividiu um momento homoerótico. O filme mostra o dia de vários personagens nessa escola. Todos eles vão em algum momento estar envolvidos com um massacre em Portland, no estado de Oregon, interior dos Estados Unidos. Enquanto a maior parte está engajada em atividades cotidianas, dois alunos esperam, em casa, a chegada de uma metralhadora semi-automática, com altíssima precisão e poder de fogo. Munidos de um arsenal de outras armas que vinham colecionando, os dois, partem para a escola, onde serão protagonistas de uma grande tragédia. The story is about two high school students Eric (Eric Deulen) and Alex (Alex Frost), two close friends and students in a suburb of Portland who calmly plan and perform a mass execution of their classmates and school administrators in the course of one day. Eric and Alex are ordinary and very much a part of the fabric of the high school and its array of student actions. In fact its hard to distinguish them from all the other students. The school is filled with various students discussing each other, playing sports, and learning about Science and Civics. Alex plays classical piano and Eric plays video games and they are interested in seemingly average things. They calmly watch Nazi programs on TV and purchase and demo automatic weaponry that they buy over the Internet. They seem just as ordinary and interesting as any of the other students. They analytically draw up plans for their killing spree, indicating that they have enough bombs and ordinance to last the afternoon. They walk through the school killing their school peers and there is no rescue from the authorities. |
544x400 701MB 79min

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