Le temps qui resteTime to Leave (English)O Tempo que Resta (Brazil) Tiempo de vivir (Argentina/Uruguay) Aika lähteä (Finland) Czas, który pozostal (Poland) Die Zeit, die bleibt (Germany) El tiempo que queda (Spain) Tid til afsked (Denmark) Tiden som finns kvar (Sweden) Utolsó napjaim (Hungary) Veda vakti (Turkey) François Ozon France French, English, German 2005 Drama 77min Melvil Poupaud, Jeanne Moreau, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Daniel Duval, Marie Rivière, Christian Sengewald, Louise-Anne Hippeau, Henri de Lorme, Walter Pagano, Violetta Sanchez, Ugo Soussan Trabelsi, Alba Gaïa Kraghede Bellugi, Victor Poulouin, Laurence Ragon, Thomas Gizolme Romain, 31 anos, fotógrafo gay de moda de grande sucesso descobre que está com câncer terminal. Lentamente passa a encarar a situação, ao mesmo tempo em que se torna cruel com o namorado, se recusa a fazer quimioterapia, ignora a gravidez da irmã e fica incomunicável com as pessoas que ama, inclusive os pais que sempre o apoiaram. Romain, 31, a photographer, learns that a malignancy may kill him within a few months. Decisions: treatment? work? how to tell his lover and his family. He remembers the sea and himself as a child. He stares in the mirror. He's cruel: facing death, he pushes people away - what's the point? He visits his grandmother to tell her; on the way, he chats briefly with a waitress. He looks at old photos, visits a childhood tree house. He takes pictures. Returning from his grandmother's, he stops for food and sees the waitress, Jany, again. She makes a request. He returns to an empty flat - his lover has left. Can Jany's proposition give him a way to move past self-pity? Romain, un jeune photographe de 30 ans, apprend brutalement qu'il n'a plus que quelques mois à vivre. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417189/ 7.1/10 3685votes http://www.francois-ozon.com/ |
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