9 Dead Gay GuysNove Gays em Perigo (Brazil)9 Gajos Gay Mortos (Portugal) Lab Ky Mo UK English 2002 Comedy, Crime 82min Glen Mulhern, Brendan Mackey, Steven Berkoff, Michael Praed, Vas Blackwood, Simon Godley, Carol Decker, Raymond Griffiths, Abdala Keserwani, Karen Sharman, Leon Herbert, Steven Woodhouse, John Michaels, Rickardo Beckles-Burrows, Deban Aderemi Comédia politicamente incorreta que conta a estória de Kenny e Byron, dois rapazes que saem de Belfast rumo à Londres em busca de dinheiro fácil. Os dois caem no submundo gay londrino. Quando um cliente morre durante um programa, a dupla é obrigada a mudar de ramo, planejando um roubo mirabolante. Sua execução irá desencadear a ira das lideranças da comunidade gay e causar um grotesco e hilário banho de sangue. The story of two lads from Belfast as they stumble their way through the London gay underworld in search of 'gainful employment'. This being the offering of sexual favors to older gay men in order to subsidize their respective giros. However, when one of the lads accidentally shags a punter to death, they are forced to look for 'work' elsewhere. It is then that they discover the myth of 'The Bread in the Bed' - a huge bed full of money. 'Nine Dead Gay Guys' is the result of the ensuing caper as the lads begin the search for the elusive bed. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0336910/ 6.4/10 850 votes |
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688x352 699MB 82min

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