Richard LeMay USA English 2007 Drama 98min Karmine Alers, Brad Anderson, Nick Atkins, Robbie Cain, Desmond Dutcher, Mark Ford, Gail Herendeen, Mick Hilgers, Jim Horvath, Patrick Jones, Clifton Oliver, Michael Paternostro, Constance Reardon, David A. Rudd, Valentine Ryder, Steven Scarpetti, Stephen Smith, Alexis Suarez, Laura Taylor, Bryan West Um rapaz quente, jovem e encantador, com segundas intenções entra na vida de um grupo coeso de homens homossexuais em Nova York e no início causa emoção e intriga no grupo, mas ele deliberadamente tenta destruir seus relacionamentos. Tocante e engraçado, WHIRLWIND é um retrato sutil e honesto de homens trintões gays e as encruzilhadas que devem enfrentar. A hot, young and charming man with ulterior motives enters the lives of a tight-knit group of gay men in New York City and at first adds excitement and intrigue to their group, but events soon spiral out of control as he deliberately attempts to destroy their relationships. Both touching and funny, WHIRLWIND is a subtle and honest depiction of thirty-something gay men and the crossroads they must face. 4.7/10 118 votes | .002 .003 .004 .005
656x368 849MB 98min

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