Simon Pearce UK English, French 2009 Drama 88min Wayne Virgo, Marc Laurent, Alice Payne, Alice Payne, Tom Bott, Garry Summers, Bernie Hodges, Christian Martin, Louise Fearnside, Oliver Park, Lewis Alexander, Lee Nicholas Harris Aborda a estória de jovens passando da adolescência para a fase adulta, enfrentando os preconceitos pela sua sexualidade, a dificuldade em sair do armário, a violência, o uso de drogas e o sexo de forma irresponsável. Com um elenco inteiro formado por atores heterossexuais, “Shank” é dirigido por Simon Pearce (21 anos) e escrito pela dupla Darren Flaxstone e Christian Martin. O filme recebe elogios por representar fielmente a realidade e por se assemelhar ao clássico inglês “Beautiful Thing (Delicada Atração)”, de 1996. Teenage gang member Cal, hides his sexuality from the his fellow happy slapping gang members despite their often futile and violent dislike of anyone that isn't the same as them be they unsuspecting shoppers, foreign students, gays etc. Hooking up with a random stranger (Scott), Cal is unaware that this chance meeting will eventually provide him with choices and routes of escape from the tedium of his unambitious and depraved life. When his world collides with Olivier, a student he rescues from a pointless beating, he encounters a lifestyle that presents as many new experiences as it does obstacles. 5.9/10 156 votes |
640x352 699MB 88min

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