Solange Du hier bistArkei pou eisai edo (Greece)Pendant que tu es là (France) While You Are Here (English title) Stefan Westerwelle Germany German 2006 Drama 78min Michael Gempart, Leander Lichti Georg (Michael Gempart) um velho e solitário vive em um apartamento escuro e apertado. O único alívio são seus encontros com o jovem e bonito traficante Sebastien (Leander Lichti). Alegando ter perdido o ônibus, Sebastien pede a Georg para passar a noite. Quando começam a falar, Sebastien revela que seu pai morreu recentemente e ele está a ponderar voltar para casa. A lonely old man and a young hustler long to form a more meaningful relationship that the one which currently binds them in writer/director Stefan Westerwelle's quiet, intimate drama. Georg (Michael Gempart) lives in a dark, cramped apartment. The only relief that the ageing bachelor gets from the boredom that blankets him are his trysts with handsome young hustler Sebastien (Leander Lichti). As usual, Georg showers Sebastien with affection when the young man arrives for their regularly scheduled meeting; but something is different this week. Claiming to have missed his bus, Sebastien asks Georg is he would be permitted to spend the night. Later, as the pair gets to talking, Sebastien reveals that his father has recently died and he is considering returning home. 5.0/10 57 votes |
688x512 699MB 78min

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