Spencer Schilly USA English 2007 Drama 81min Nick May, Blake Young-Fountain, Murray Hill, Damián Fuentes, Tom Merlino, The World Famous *BoB*, Brian Patacca, Matthew Sandager, Michael Apuzzo, David Beck, Peter Bloch, Daren Dillon, Cherish Monique Duke, Michael Hill, Trip Langley, Ivan Rodriguez, LaMar Staton, Kayce Thompson-Russ Ricky fica sozinho tomando conta da casa de dois homens com quem divide a cama, quando estes partem para férias. Quando descobre que a sua relação com eles está prestes a terminar, tenta encontrar algum contato humano através de paquera na Internet e sexo anônimo. Sentindo-se só e isolado, contempla a sua vida e acaba por encontrar um amigo por quem vale a pena viver. Mas será tarde demais? Spencer Schilly's sensitive drama explores the complicated relationships between two gay men in their 30s and the young man they take in as a "toy". When the couple leaves him alone at home while they vacation, Ricky the houseboy resorts to drugs, sex, and thoughts of suicide. Could a new love give Ricky back his will to live? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132161/ 6.3/10 196 votes |
640x352 697MB 81min

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