Michael Cuesta USA English 2001 Drama 95min Paul Dano, Bruce Altman, Billy Kay, James Costa, Tony Michael Donnelly, Michelle Carano, Tatiana Burgos, Brian Cox, B. Constance Barry, Walter Masterson, Brad Silnutzer, Bob Gerardi, Adam LeFevre, Frank Rivers, Anthony F. Peragine O aclamado diretor e escritor Michael Cuesta, mostra o inquietante drama do incomodado teen Howie (Paul Franklin Dano), como ele se junta a um amigo no bairro quebrando e roubando casas. Uma vítima, ex-Marinheiro e pedofilo Big John (Brian Cox), confronta Howie e ele fala em passar um tempo juntos, numa relação que enche cada mais os vazios emocionais de Howie (Paul Franklin Dano), mas está voltada aos desejos de Big John, impressionado com a beleza de Howie. Fifteen-year-old Howie loses just about everything and everyone in the space of a single week, but ends up finding himself in the process. His mother has just died. His father, a building contractor, can barely keep tabs on his young girlfriend, let alone his own son. Thusly, the teen must navigate his adolescence virtually unsupervised. Floating towards an ill-behaved existence, Howie and his crowd begin robbing houses in the middle-class neighborhoods off the Long Island Expressway. Together, he and his best friend Gary break into a place belonging to an old guy named Big John, a local man who is a respected pillar of the community. When Big John fingers Gary for the crime, Howie learns that his pal has been leading a secret, dangerous but also alluring double life. Subsequently, we also discover that Big John has secrets of his own. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242587/ 7.2/10 |
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