Danny in the SkyDenis Langlois Canada French 2001 Drama 88min Richard Angrignon, Stéphanie Aubry, Jessie Beaulieu, Éric Boutin, Eric Cabana, Claude Demers, Véronique Jenkins, Sophie Lavallée, Daniel Lortie, Thierry Pépin, Caroline Portelance, Barbara Ulrich Danny é um jovem em busca do amor romântico, a mãe morreu jovem e o pai é um gay no armário que odeia homossexuais. Ele quer integrar-se na sociedade que valoriza o luxo, o glamour e a aparência sobre todas as coisas, tentando vingar sendo um modelo. Mas a sua atração pelas coisas fáceis e para se envolver em situações menos claras, levam-no a envolver-se com más companhias e a seguir por um caminho muito perigoso… Um filme com uma estética muito masculina e homoerótica. Danny is a romantic young man looking for love, the son of a gay dad and a top model mom who died of an overdose when he was still young. He wants to become part of a society that values luxury, glamour and appearances above all, by becoming a model. He embarks on a quest to find his real identity in a world that would make him gay because of his work, because of his paternal heritage, or simply because of his looks. He takes modeling to its extreme by becoming a stripper and finally finds the love he was looking for on the set of a porno shoot, with Karine, a photographer who's as voyeuristic as he is exhibitionnist. But destiny soon catches up with him... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298293/ 4.4/10 176 votes |
608x352 7x104921KB=700MB 88min

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