Gérald Hustache-Mathieu France French 2006 91min Sophie Quinton, Miou-Miou, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Clément Sibony, Richaud Valls, Geneviève Casile, Monique Mélinand, Anna Mihalcea, Claude Duty, Mathilde Mignot, Frédéric Quiring, Marie Vinoy, Milo Hustache-Mathieu, Gisèle Boiteux, Denise Billot Avril foi abandonada quando nasceu e as irmãs de uma ordem monástica, que foi oficialmente dissolvida no final do século XIX, mas que é mantida viva por Mère Marie Joseph, a superior sádica. As freiras querem que Avril se torne uma das seguidoras. Quando Avril está trancada por quinze dias, no retiro para fazer os votos, Soeur Bernadette, uma simpática irmã, divulga que Avril tem um irmão gêmeo e a incentiva a procurá-lo... Avril is a novice in a convent of "Baptistine" sisters, a monastic order which was officially dissolved by the end of the nineteenth century but that is kept alive by Mère Marie Joseph, the sadistic superior. The rule she imposes on the nuns is particularly strict but this is all Avril has ever known since she was born, for she was an abandoned child raised by the nuns with a view to making one of them. While Avril is on retreat, locked in for a fortnight in a chapel prior to taking her vows, Soeur Bernadette, a sympathetic sister, discloses a secret to her: she has a twin brother and she encourages her to go looking for him... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399497/ |
608x320 7x104797KB=699MB 91min

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