Patrice Chéreau France French 2003 Drama 88min Bruno Todeschini, Eric Caravaca, Nathalie Boutefeu, Maurice Garrel, Catherine Ferran, Antoinette Moya, Sylvain Jacques, Fred Ulysse, Robinson Stévenin, Claudine Benichou, Véronique Iafrate, Cathy Roudaut, Sabrina Fessan, Catherine Moulin, Sandrine Faccini Thomas tem uma recaída de uma doença do sangue, de que já tinha sofrido. Ele decide retomar o contacto com Luc, o seu irmão mais novo que já não vê há muito tempo. Os dois irmãos vão descobrir-se, aproximar-se, amar-se e acabarão por fazer uma última viagem à beira mar. Thomas is slowly dying. He has accepted this and has decided to wait for his death on the coast, at the house where he spent his childhood. His imminent death will nevertheless cause catastrophe for those around him, forcing them to re-examine their own existence, and thus prompt change in the course of their own lives. |
576x304 7x104129KB=695MB

English subtitles with some translation errors. It was the only one I found. If you find better, please send me
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