No Ordinary LoveAucun désir n'est interdit (France)Lust und Laster in L.A. (Germany) Pera ap' ton erota kai ton thanato (Greece) Doug Witkins USA English 1994 Comedy, Romance 104min Fred Blanco, Randy Brown, Angel Ceja, Jesus Covarrubias, Smith Forté, Dan Frank, Bunny Gibson, David Vincent Holland, Randy Huiting, Eli Kabillio, Ericka Klein, Koing Kuoch, Mark Larson, Elizabeth Mehr, Alex Mercer Combinando drama, comédia e intrigas, é uma história que se passa em Hollywood Hills sobre quatro colegas, francos, gays e bissexuais, que se reagrupam depois da morte de seu carismático líder em circunstâncias misteriosas. Nema série de confusões, o limite entre luxúria e romance se obscurecem enquanto as traições se seguem. Tudo isto envolvido numa trilha sonora assinada por algumas das bandas mais agitadas de Los Angeles como, "Joint Ventures" "N2 Deep" e "Waterlillies". Five housemates attempt to cope with the mysterious death of their charismatic group leader with whom most of the housemates had been sexually involved in this melodramatic comedy-drama-crime thriller. It is rock guitarist Wendy who is most devastated by his death as she is carrying his child, but everyone is deeply affected and tries their best to become a family unit. Two of the housemates, a sexually ambivalent adolescent and a bisexual hunk recently pulled off a bank robbery with the assistant of the newest roommate. As the plot bubbles on, the housemates seek to learn why the leader died, and where all the money went. 4.3/10 214 votes |
544x288 697MB 104min

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