Robert Salis France French 2004 Drama 108min Gregori Baquet, Alice Taglioni, Jocelyn Quivrin, Élodie Navarre, Arthur Jugnot, Salim Kechiouche, Eva Darlan, Lakshantha Abenayake, Yasmine Belmadi, Jacques Collard, Jo Prestia, Jamal Hadir, Gilbert Desveaux, Arnaud Binard, Adan Jodorowsky A história é sobre um grupo de jovens que é admitido para uma das grandes écoles francesas, na qual formam-se os líderes do país e encontram-se as portas para o poder. Se tudo sair como previsto, eles serão a elite do futuro. Mas a vida sempre nos presenteia com o inesperado e os jovens perceberão que a grande instituição de ensino não é exatamente o que esperavam. Paul and Agnes have been going out for quite a while and Agnes is shocked to learn that he'd rather live with two roommates on campus than move in with her. As soon as he meets one of his roommates, Louis-Anault, Paul's behavior changes - he is attracted to Louis without realizing so himself. Agnes, on the other hand, gets quite jealous and offers a bet: Whoever gets to have Louis-Anault first, wins... If she does, Paul will no longer explore his homosexual desires, if he does - she'll walk away. Meanwhile, Paul meets Mecir, a young Arab worker, who shows him there's more to life than elite colleges... 6.0/10 903 votes |
720x400 889MB 108min

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