Bruce La Bruce Germany, Canada English, German 2008 Comedy | Drama | Horror 94min Jey Crisfar, Katharina Klewinghaus, Susanne Sachße, Marcel Schlutt, Guido Sommer, Christophe Chemin, Gio Black Peter, Mo, Fabrice, Scott Sechs, Nicholas Fox Ricciardi, Keith Böhm, Olivia Barth, John Edward Heys, Stephanie Heinrich Um jovem zombie chamado Otto surge numa remota estrada. Não faz ideia de onde veio ou para onde vai. Depois de pedir carona para Berlim e abrigar-se num parque de diversões abandonado, começa a explorar a cidade. Depressa descobre uma cineasta underground, Medea Yarn, que começa a fazer um documentário sobre ele, com a ajuda da namorada Hella Bent e do irmão Adolf, que opera a câmera. Entretanto, Medea está tentando terminar Up With Dead People, o filme político-porno-zombie épico que está fazendo há anos. Ela convence a sua estrela, Fritz Fritze, a deixar o vulnerável Otto ficar no seu quarto de hóspedes. Quando Otto descobre uma carteira no bolso das suas calças contendo informação sobre o seu passado, antes de ter morrido, começa a recordar alguns detalhes, incluindo memórias do seu ex-namorado Rudolf. Combina encontrar-se com ele na escola onde se conheceram, com resultados devastadores. ATENÇÃO: Filme muito pesado, com cenas de canibalismo e muito sangue. A young zombie named Otto appears on a remote highway. He has no idea where he came from or where he is going. After hitching a ride to Berlin and nesting in an abandoned amusement park, he begins to explore the city. Soon he is discovered by underground filmmaker Medea Yarn, who begins to make a documentary about him with the support of her girlfriend, Hella Bent, and her brother Adolf, who operates the camera. Meanwhile, Medea is still trying to finish Up with Dead People, the epic political-porno-zombie movie that she has been working on for years. She convinces its star, Fritz Fritze, to allow the vulnerable Otto to stay in his guest bedroom. When Otto discovers that he has a wallet that contains information about his past, before he was dead, he begins to remember details about his ex-boyfriend, Rudolf. He arranges to meet him at the schoolyard where they met, with devastating results. 6.0/10 491 votes |
544x304 7x104831KB=699MB 94min

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