Randal Kleiser USA English 1996 Drama 109min Margaret Cho, Bruce Davison, Lee Grant, Devon Gummersall, Gregory Harrison, Marlee Matlin, Roddy McDowall, Olivia Newton-John, Bronson Pinchot, Paul Regina, George Segal, Eric Roberts, Steve Antin, Dimitra Arliss, Christopher Atkins Ao comunicar que está soropositivo, o personagem principal desse dramático registro, vivido pelo bonitão George Segal, é abandonado pelo companheiro. Em seguida, diante da possibilidade de passar o resto de seus dias numa cama, ele acaba optando pelo suicídio. A fita percorre ainda outros pontos delicados quando se fala em Aids, como a reação da família e dos amigos ao saber da notícia. Antes, porém, faz uma festa de arromba, reunindo amigos, parentes e ex-amantes. O evento serve de palco para vários acertos de conta com o passado, enveredando pela trilha do melodrama. "You won't leave me, will you?" Nick asks Brandon shortly after revealing to him the results of his last blood test for HIV. "I don't want to die alone." In spite of Brandon's protestations, the two soon find the love they had shared for many years in ruins. One year after their breakup, Nick is confronted with a ravaged immune system and a CT Scan and lab values which, along with his worsening forgetfulness, clenches the diagnosis of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) -- a condition he has seen claim his friends and one which he vows will not take him. Due to the aggressive nature of the disease, he has only a few days of conscious life remaining. His plan, he announces to family and "extended family," is to voluntarily end his life himself before the disease renders him unrecognizable to those he loves and he, in turn, is unable to recognize them. Uninvited to the farewell party, Brandon's presence is greeted with jeers from those who see him as having abandoned Nick is his time of greatest need. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113443/ 6.7/10 |
720x350 735MB 109min

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