Harry + MaxHarry and Max (USA)Harry e Max (Brazil) Christopher Munch USA English 2004 Drama 72min Bryce Johnson, Cole Williams, Rain Phoenix, Katherine Ellis, Roni Deitz, Tom Gilroy, Michelle Phillips, Justin Zachary, Max Piscioneri, Mark L. Young Dois irmãos, o jovem Harry (Bryce Johnson) e o adolescente Max (Cole Williams), são ídolos juvenis que se envolvem em um escândalo envolvendo incesto no conturbado passado familiar, no qual existiu uma profunda afeição entre ambos. Harry is a 23-year-old former boy band idol who is watching his younger brother Max, 16, follow in his footsteps. Harry has detoured on his way to a Japanese concert tour to escort Max on a long-promised camping adventure. Their trip begins on a note of camaraderie but quickly turns serious as old wounds resurface, forcing them to come to terms with their dysfunctional past--Harry's drinking problems, his disconnection from the family, and, most of all, his relationship with Max and the emotional dependency that keeps them from moving into adulthood. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390080/ |
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632x352 7x104745KB=699MB 72min

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