Olga Stolpovskaja, Dmitry Troitsky Russia English, Russian, Kalmyk-Oirat 2004 Comedy 86min Damir Badmaev, Lyubov Tolkalina, Evgeny Koryakovsky, Nina Agapova, Irina Grineva, Anatoly Mankhadykov, Valentina Mankhadykova, Yuri Sherstnyov, Victor Shevidov, Alisa Tanskaya, Mihail Tarabukin, Emanuel Michael Vaganda, Alexander Vartanov Este filme explora a atitude crescente de liberalização social pós-comunista na Rússia. A história desenvolve-se num triângulo amoroso bissexual. Vera e Tim são um casal de elite social. Vera, ao regressar um dia à casa, encontra Tim na cama com Uloomji, um ativista do movimento das minorias asiáticas da Rússia. Este caso leva o trio a situações de conflito entre os valores de duas gerações em relação à sexualidade, classes sociais e etnia. Vera and Tim are successful young professionals living fast-paced lives in ultra-modern Moscow. Their lives crackle with the capitalist energy of excess, anxiety, consumption, and stress- and they are in love. Everything changes one night when Tim accidentally drives his car into Uloomji, a young Kalmyk day worker. (The Kalmyks are a semi-nomadic people of Mongolian decent.) The two men begin a torrid affair that involves howling and knocking over a lot of furniture. Tim is attracted to Uloomji's exotic demeanor and liberated by his impulsiveness and lack of inhibition. To Uloomji, Tim embodies a kind of class and refinement he sees only in magazines. Vera struggles to comprehend their bond and her boyfriend's erratic behavior. She is dragged reluctantly into a bizarre love triangle. Before long, all three lives unravel, exemplified by a visit to a Buddhist healer, a three-way in the bathroom of a gay bar, a faked death and a kidnapping. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0402595/ |
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