Terence Davies UK 1992 English Biography, Drama, Family 81min Marjorie Yates, Leigh McCormack, Anthony Watson, Nicholas Lamont, Ayse Owens, Tina Malone, Jimmy Wilde, Robin Polley, Peter Ivatts, Joy Blakeman, Denise Thomas, Patricia Morrison, Gavin Mawdslay, Kirk McLaughlin, Marcus Heath Ambientado na década de 50 em Liverpool, traz a trajetória de um garoto de 11 anos, Bug, um menino feliz que adorava divertir-se e ir ao cinema e contava com o apoio e carinho da família. Contudo sua adaptação ao novo colégio e amigos será bastante difícil e traumática. The Long Day Closes is the story of eleven-year-old "Bud." A sad and lonely boy, Bud struggles through his days. With cinema as his main source of solace, he haunts the local movie-house. All the while, his family looms large in our peripheral vision as do the menacing bullies of his school, but Bud is the center of attention both from the camera's angle and from his doting family. With a gray background, the film fuses clips and audio from classic movies into Bud's dreary childhood and brings it to life with an elegance Bach would bring to your home movies. The overall effect is a montage of memory which seems to ignite flashes of recognition in the viewer. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104753/ |
720x376 993MB 81min

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