50 Ways of Saying FabulousStewart Main New Zealand 2005 English Drama 87min Andrew Patterson, Harriet Beattie, Jay Collins, Georgia McNeil, Michael Dorman, Rima Te Wiata, George Mason, Ross McKellar, Stephanie McKellar-Smith, David Sullivan, Ben Short, Michelle O'Brien, Fiona Edgar, Kevin Wymer, Ian Fraser Os protagonistas desse longa-metragem da Nova Zelândia estão na fase da puberdade, quando os hormônios começam a afetar as amizades de infância, com o despertar da maldade, da traição e dos ciúmes. Billy é um garoto gordinho e efeminado cujo ídolo absoluto é Lana, a heroína de seu programa de TV preferido, “Aventuras no Espaço”. Sua melhor amiga é a prima Lou, que não vê a hora de cortar seus cabelos longos e não quer saber de usar sutiã. A dupla vai perdendo a inocência à medida que percebe que a sociedade não vê com bons olhos a inversão de papéis de gênero à qual eles estão habituados. As coisas ficam mais complicadas – e cruéis – quando ambos se apaixonam por um ajudante da fazenda da família. Set in New Zealand in the summer of 1975, 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous is the beguiling story of 12 year-old Billy, who is about to discover that growing up is a lot more confusing than he could have ever imagined. He is a farmer's only son who is out of step with the other boys at his school. He feels they only want to fight and play rugby and while he tries to be the same, he feels he was never cut out to be a farmer or a rugby player. Instead, he prefers to dream about an imaginary life in outer space. In this world, a turnip paddock becomes a lunar landscape and a cow's tail a head of beautiful blonde hair which transforms him into "Lana" the heroine of his favourite TV show. With the arrival of Roy, the class freak, and Jamie the sexy young farm labourer Billy's world is changed forever. As he learns about his sexuality, everything he knows is called into question, including his lifelong loyalty to his best friend, tomboy Louise, whose world is changing alongside his. Set in New Zealand's stunning Central Otago landscape, 50 Ways Of Saying Fabulous carries the audience along with Billy as he embarks on life as teenager. Director Stewart Main says his film "shows how the most extraordinary events can occur to wonderfully ordinary people - it celebrates difference and being true to one's self." 50 Ways Of Saying Fabulous a fresh telling of sexual awakening, infinitely real, funny and moving by turns. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0429482/ 5.7/10 280votes |
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